Myopic choroidal neovascularization and Oct angiography

26 Mag 22

Vol. 60 - No. 3 MiNerVa OftalMOlOgica 103

R E V I E W O C T A N G I O G R A P H Y : A N E W E R A O F O P H T H A L M O L O G Y

Corresponding author: alfredo Pece, centro Oftalmologico retina 3000, Milan, italy. e-mail:


Myopic choroidal neovascularization (cNV) is one of the most frequent causes of visual impairment and legal blindness in the world, especially among asians. its diagnosis of myopic cNV ranges from fundus biomicroscopy to multimodal imaging — which includes retinal fluorescein angiography (FAG), — from spectral domain structural optical coherence tomography (OCT) to OCT angiography. FAG shows early hyperfluorescence of the vascular lesion with poor leakage in 80%, or more evident leakage in 20% of cases. Oct examinations have reached a very high technological level and
a very-high image resolution. in the diagnosis of cNV, it is essential to exclude vitreous-retinal tractions that are often present at the posterior pole, or other syndromes such as dome-shaped macula and tilted disc syndrome. Retinal fluores- cein angiography is currently the gold standard, although it is not always easy to identify cNV, as leakage is sometimes missing, and it can be confused with atrophy-associated areas. this review illustrates and compares the main diagnostic tools which are currently used for CNV identification.

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